Solinco returns to the racquet realm with the Blackout 265 Tennis Racquet. The Blackout features a cross section (23.5-26-23 mm) with 40T Carbon Fiber at the three and nine o`clock positions of the head to enhance the sweet spot with stability and power. To assist with flex, Liquid Crystal Fibers are incorporated into the racquet design. The material reduces vibration and improves the feel at contact. Solinco`s Power Flex Zone utilizes a thicker beam design in the lower portion of the head to maximize power. The design makes the lower third of the head much more stable.
The Blackout 265 is 9.3 ounces unstrung, and it features a user-friendly 100 square inch head. The 16x19 string pattern gives just the right balance of spin and power. The Blackout 265 offers a step up in stability from the lighter 245. Beginners and intermediates with consistent mechanics will love the blend of mobility and power.
-40T Carbon for greater sweet spot stability
-Very light weight for maneuverability
-Crisp, Modern, Powerful Feel.
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