introduces an updated TF40 305 16M V3 Tennis Racquet! The previous TF40s were a favorite of advanced players who require absolute precision and feel to succeed on the court. With the new model, Tecnifibre borrowed from the beam design of the T-Fights and constructed the RS Sharp Section. The frame is thinner, and more squared off than the T-Fight series for greater flex at impact. To produce a classic and comfortable response, the TF40 models are filled with foam. The foam absorbs racquet vibration to enhance the feel of the ball. Though the TF40 305 is designed for the best players in the world, the grommets are wider and longer to make the string bed more powerful and forgiving. The TF40 305 features a medium flex, 21.7-millimeter beam, and a 16x19 string pattern. At only 10.8 ounces unstrung, the frame can help aggressive intermediates and advanced ball strikers attack with greater control. The new cosmetic blends a tech camo with the brand`s classic white design. With the more open string pattern, the TF40 305 16M V3 is an ideal choice for an athlete with solid strokes who wants a classic feel but with modern performance.
-RS Sharp Section blends a precise feel with more punch.
-16x19 string pattern means easier access to spin.
-Foam filled means vibration absorption.
-Cosmetic is a refreshing departure for TF.